This time of year always makes me think about organization and cleaning things out (I said think...not do, btw-lol) and that makes me think about closet staples. So I decided to hit the mall with Jen (yayyyyyy my assistant is back for one night only!) and put together staple pieces from four different spots!
The pieces that I decided are staples are;
*light jeans
*dark jeans
*black jeans
*a white tee
*a black tee
*black cardigan/black blazer
*a little black dress
and then I went on IG and asked you guys to drop your closet staples;
*jean jacket
*leather jacket
*long cardigan
*spanx leggings
*white tees
*good jeans
So with that in mind, Jen and I hit the stores. I'll be honest, Target was where I thought we would struggle with narrowing down our items, but it wasn't as great as we wished. Here's what we found!

Jen and I agree that a good pair of black jeans can have rips in them, so we picked out these (don't mind Target's gross mirror-lol!)
grey sweater: $17.49 *sale

A good white tee is a MUST! You should have a couple different varieties in your closet and this one is really good. The thickness is perfect-can't see your bra. Not a huge fan of the pocket, but Jen said this would be the one she would reach for, so we went with it!
white tee w/ pocket: $5.60 *sale

Now, these pants are not something I would keep in my closet. It could be because I grabbed the regular and should've went with a long, but these a straight basic jean. I tend to gravitate towards the skinny jean or jegging for me personally. But I wanted to throw in a straight jean as I know more and more people are starting to wear em.
straight jeans: $27.99

I think a duster cardigan is an absolute must. It pairs well for a night out or to throw over leggings to head for coffee after yoga. This one is not only practical with the belt, but it's SO freaking soft. This is the standout piece from Target for sure.
duster cardigan: $15 *sale

A black cardigan is something that everyone at any age needs. This one was a good find, pretty soft too. And it wasn't bulky, so it can be worn for any occasion.
black cardigan: $24.99
Popping these in your closet you would be off to a good start with having some staples! What's one thing you saw that you'd pop in your closet? Check back next week to see what I found at Old Navy cause there was SO many good things!
*these are links that will get me a small commish if you use them! love you long time.
Those black jeans have to be my fave! Love all these closet staples