Tuesday, July 9, 2019

beauty | night routine

Bedtime is my favorite time. Come on, you knew that right? I don't necessarily mean the prep of getting ready for bed, I mean sleeping, haha! But I've been keeping with a night routine for sometime now, so I feel confident in sharing with you.

I told you all about how I finally learned how to properly wash my face (yes, there is an incorrect way!) and I'm proud to say that I've been actually doing this on the daily. Okay, I can't sit here and say that I'm at a perfect 60/60, but I've been doing better than ever before so I actually have a routine and that's something I can be proud of.

Alright enough chatting...here it is!

Okay, first up I put my hair back using a head wrap/headband. Next, I wet my face lightly and then I go in with the Pre-cleanser from Savor Beauty. I like to drop 3-4 drops of this in my hand then warm it up and then work in small circles going in an upward motion the opposite way of the hair growth. I make sure I get my lashes too!

Next, I wet my hands and pop on the Tula cleanser. Working it in my hands and then onto my face the same way I did with the pre-cleanse.

Now I rinse my face and pat dry. Then it's time for 3-4 drops of the Nourish from Savor. I put a little bit around my nostrils and then warm up the rest in my hands then pat that into my skin. You never want to rub into your skin, but pat as that will evenly distribute the product.

After that I take a teeny bit of the Hydrate onto my ring finger tips and pat that into my under eye area-think where you put highlight!

Last, I take a dime size of the Youth to the People Dream Mask into my palms and rub them together and then press this all over my face and neck.

And then it's off to dreamland for me! What's your night routine like? I find that even on the nights I don't run through all the steps I have to put on the dream mask cause it's just my fave! What's your must have night time product? Let's chat in the comments,

ps-some of these links could get me a v small commish, but that only means I will love you forev-eva. 

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