Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome 2019! | goals, words to live by in the new year, & what I'm leaving behind

Woah, it's 2019! It's crazy writing that, but here we are day one of the next chapter (which also if you're an avid reader like me a chapter being 365 pages (days) long is INSANE-ha!) Okay, I know you aren't here to hear me ramble, but here's my goals & words I will be living by this coming year.


-drink more water
-follow ww correctly; I actually had a conversation about this in The Sassy Club on fb (it's a grp put together by fashion influencer Dani Austin & I like all of the inspo it provides.) ww works if you work the plan and track everything. I will be giving my all to this again and will be posting weekly (okay, biweekly, monthly, who knows...) updates on here. When I do post, I'll include my weight and what I ate during the week. 
-commit to blogging again; I tend to lack motivation cause I'm truly layz, but I will give this a real go and go back to the mindset "even if no one reads it, I'm doing this for me."
-read 52 books; I lowered it from last year cause I didn't meet that 2018 goal
-stop comparing my life to those online & remember everyone just shares a highlight reel; this is a huge one for me because 2018 taught me how short life really is when my blogging friend Leslie passed away 
-put myself out there in the community as a blogger 

words to live by;

-present; as in be more present: as we all do, I spend a lot of time on my phone. So even if it's just sitting down to watch a show I like, I want to watch the show and not browse IG while doing it
- bold; as in be bolder: I just want to put myself out there more in any capacity possible (I don't necessarly mean dating or anything like that, but I want to do more videos on IG and maybe start YT again.)

what I'm leaving behind;

-self-doubt! This goes hand in hand with a bunch of what I already wrote & people who know me in my every day life will probably be confused by it cause I come off as the most confident person in the room, but my life motto is fake it til you make it. So this year, I'm ready to actually believe in myself!

What are you hoping for in 2019? Anything you're leaving in 2018? Let's chat in the comments so we can support one another!



  1. I love this! I'm hoping to fill 2019 with love, laughter and happiness. Can't wait to see what 2019 brings you

    1. I can't wait to see what it has in store for you too, xo!

  2. Love this! I wish I could make that many goals!! Healthier and blogging are my top two- and self love

  3. You've got 2 great goals to get after! Good luck, Renee, xx!
